Below is a list of completely free online courses of Personal Development on Coursera.
Personal Development (36)
- Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects from University of California, San Diego ★★★★★(2971)
- Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential from McMaster University ★★★★★(1126)
- Aprender from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ★★★★★(105)
- Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills from University of Michigan★★★★★(11)
- Introduction to Personal Branding from University of Virginia ★★★☆☆(7)
- Aprendiendo a aprender: Poderosas herramientas mentales con las que podrás dominar temas difíciles (Learning How to Learn) from University of California, San Diego★★★★★(6)
- De-Mystifying Mindfulness from Leiden University ★★★★☆(6)
- Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator from Yale University ★★★★★(3)
- Aprendendo a aprender: ferramentas mentais poderosas para ajudá-lo a dominar assuntos difíceis (em Português) [Learning How to Learn] from University of California, San Diego ★★★★★(1)
- Job Success: Get Hired or Promoted in 3 Steps from State University of New York★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Psychology at Work from University of Western Australia ★★★★★(1)
- Negociación exitosa: Estrategias y habilidades esenciales (en español) from University of Michigan
- Negociações de sucesso: estratégias e habilidades essenciais (em Português) from University of Michigan
- International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness from Johns Hopkins University
- Працюйте розумніше, а не більше: управління часом для особистої та професійної продуктивності from University of California, Irvine
- 学会如何学习:帮助你掌握复杂学科的强大智力工具(Learning How to Learn) from University of California, San Diego
- Digital Footprint from University of Edinburgh
- The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs from University of Toronto
- Power Onboarding from Northwestern University
- Communication theory: bridging academia and practice from Higher School of Economics
- Media ethics & governance from University of Amsterdam
- La Solución del Conflicto Ético from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 職場素養 (Professionalism) from National Taiwan University
- Практика разрешения конфликтов. Я – семья – работа – общество from Tsinghua University
- Основы поиска дела жизни. Часть 1. Как перестать откладывать дела на потом?from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- Successful Career Development from University System of Georgia
- Психология призвания from Tomsk State University
- Менеджмент профессиональной траектории from Tomsk State University
- Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment from Tomsk State University
- Translation in Practice from Nanjing University
- Etkili Konuşma (Effective Speaking) from Koç University
- Mi Primer Empleo (MPE) from Universidad de Chile
- Cómo enfrentar la primera experiencia laboral. from Universidad de Chile
- Taller para la Resolucion de Conflictos, Liderazgo y Desarrollo Personal from Universidad de Chile
- Trabajar para ser feliz from Universidad Austral
- Excel aplicado a los negocios (Nivel Avanzado) from Universidad Austral
When you signed up for these courses, you would see an option of “Full Course, No Certificate.” For courses that are part of the new model, you need to select the “audit” option.